Natarajasana Steps And Benefits

Read Padmasana Lotus Pose How to do Benefits Side Effects Ayurveda View. Natarajasana Stretches your Shoulders Abdomen Groin Thorax Thighs ...

Navasana Benefits And Contraindications

The boat pose asana facilitates suitable stretching compressing and relaxation to the abdominal region thus good to burn belly fat if pract...

Eagle Pose Benefits In Hindi

This standing pose is named after Garuda the mythological Hindu king of the birds and the word garuda stands for eagle in Sanskrit. To perf...

Benefits Of Navasana

The practice of navasana provides adequate stretching to the entire body from head to toes. It helps in regulating blood flow at sugar leve...

Garudasana Benefits In Tamil

It dynamically stretches the hip flexors and quadriceps. In Garudasana all the top three elements are included. Garudasana Steps Of Eagle...

Navasana Benefits In English

The stretching compressing and relaxation of the abdominal region involved with Naukasana helps in burning belly fat if practiced on a regu...

Yoga Asanas Procedure And Benefits

Some yoga methods are more into spiritual connection while others focus on increasing the strength of body and mind. Though few of the basi...

Gomukhasana Yoga Benefits

Health Benefits of Gomukhasana Relieves Anxiety and Stress Whichever yogic pose you like to perform daily it will benefit you doubly mental...

Janu Sirsasana Benefits In Tamil

Swamigal explains how Janu Sirsasana and Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana can be beneficial for the body and mind. Learn yoga to lead a better life...

Matsyasana Benefits For Skin

Even though the Fish pose Matsyasana brings tremendous benefits to the practitioner there are some health conditions where this pose should...

Bakasana Benefits

Maximum use of the core muscles and hence also strengthening them. The Benefits And Importance of Bakasana This asana is also known as the ...

Ustrasana Yoga Benefits

Helpful in getting rid of all kinds of back pain. Ustrasana camel pose is one such kind of yoga posture that reduces major adversary of the...

Ardha Kapotasana Benefits

These are some benefits of the Rajakapotasana. One Legged Headstand Pose Yoga Eka Pada Sirsasana Yoga Sequences Benefits Variations And S...

Standing Poses In Yoga Benefits

Learning how to breathe slowly and comfortably in these active poses can also help us to bring calmness and equanimity into our daily life....

Yoga Headstand Bench Benefits

Take note of the place on your head where your block is balanced. Studies have shown that this rush can enhance circulation and bring more ...

Tadasana Technique And Benefits

Health Benefits of Tadasana Helps you maintain balance through a higher degree of control of the body. Regulate the menstrual cycle in wome...