Navasana Benefits And Contraindications

The boat pose asana facilitates suitable stretching compressing and relaxation to the abdominal region thus good to burn belly fat if pract...

Kurmasana Contraindications

People suffering from sciatica slipped disk hernia and chronic arthritis should avoid the practice of the pose. The Benefits of Tortoise Po...

Kapotasana Contraindications

Only if you feel the pain while feeling stable almost like you are moving deeper in the pose should you continue with the exercise. As Kapo...

Eagle Pose Contraindications

Contraindications of the Eagle Pose Garudasana Avoid practicing this pose if youve had a recent knee ankle or elbow injury. Garudasana or e...

Balasana Contraindications

Also do not try this pose with an injury in the neck and shoulders. LEARN How to do Balasana Childs Pose properly. Pin On Yoga To Improve...

Gomukhasana Contraindications

Serious neck or shoulder problems. Precautions and contraindications associated with Gomukhasana Here are some of the precautions that you ...