Balasana Anatomy

Why is malasanaalso referred to as garland pose upavesasana sitting down pose or a deep squatmuch easier for some than for others. Balasana...

Cat Cow Pose Anatomy

As you can see that the cat and cow pose is a combination of two poses the cat pose and the cow pose. Cat and Cow Poses are particularly he...

Kapotasana Anatomy

Foundation Teacher Training Manual - Anatomy position. The psoas major psoas minor and iliacus. Ekahastapada Kapotasana Yoga Muscles Yoga...

Pigeon Pose Yoga Anatomy

Next slide your left leg back behind you and let your right thigh rest on the floor. Eye of the Needle Pose Very similar to Half Pigeon but...

Sirsasana Anatomy

Head to Knee pose Janu Sirsasana is a seated forward bend suitable for yogis of all levels. This pose is a forward fold pose bringing the h...