Downward Facing Dog Modifications

Downward facing dog down dog or downward facing are all names for adho mukha shvanasana sanskrit for one of the most common yoga poses. Sta...

Headstand Modifications

With your toes tucked lift your knees and walk your feet forward until your hips are stacked directly above your shoulders. Headstand Shirs...

Gomukhasana Leg Modifications

Using of a good blanket below the buttocks will bring less stress to the hips and the lower back. At this level you will be able to feel a ...

Half Moon Pose Modifications

Its an intermediate pose so be sure you know your yoga fundamentals and are able to do Triangle Pose before you attempt Half Moon. A Use a ...

Hanumanasana Modifications

If you have tight legs or hips this pose might seem out of the question. Contra-Indications Cautions and Modifications Anyone suffering fro...

Shoulder Stand Modifications

Gaze softly at your chest. It is the easiest inversion to balance in because of how the weight is spread across the top of the shoulders th...