Sun Salutation In Sanskrit

Surya Namaskar is a general tonic and complete warm-up for the entire body which can be done just as is or as a warm-up before yoga asanas....

Butterfly Pose In Sanskrit

Titli Asana is almost like as a bound Angle pose or the Baddha. Baddhakoṇāsana Bound Angle Pose Throne Pose Butterfly Pose or Cobblers Pose...

Lizard Pose Sanskrit Pronunciation

Padayoragre Tip of the toes. Play sanskrit audio pronunciation for ustrasana. Lizard Pose Yoga Utthan Pristhasana Yoga Sequences Benefits...

Sun Salutation Names In Sanskrit

This vinyasa is also known by its sanskrit name surya namaskara b. In sanskrit sun salutations are called surya sun namaskar salutation and...

Sirsasana Sanskrit Meaning

Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. Sirsasana is an advanced inversion that exhibits...

Prasarita Padottanasana Sanskrit Meaning

August 28 2007 YJ Editors. In Sanskrit Prasarita means spread out Pada means leg or foot Uttana means intense stretch and Asana means a yog...