Shoulder Stand Meaning In English

It is a metaphor of dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants and expresses the meaning of discovering truth by building on previous disco...

Yoga Asanas Meaning

The twelve basic yoga poses or asanas meaning steady pose here form the foundation of the Sivananda Open Class. While many of the oldest me...

Ustrasana Meaning In Hindi

Ardha-Ushtrasana meaning half camel pose is highly recommended pose for it stimulates most of the physical systems. As a stretch it opens t...

Half Moon Pose Meaning

Half Moon is like a balancing variation of Triangle. Strengthens the legs knees ankles back and abdomen. Pin On School Yoga Half Moon Po...

Sirsasana Sanskrit Meaning

Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. Sirsasana is an advanced inversion that exhibits...

Ardha Hanumanasana Meaning

From uttanasana standing forward bend step your left leg back into a long lunge and lower your back knee to the floor. The name comes from ...