Paschimottanasana English Name

Paschimottanasana PASH-ee-moh-tan-AH-suh-nuh or the Seated Forward Bend is one of the most important poses in all of Hatha Yoga. Paschima t...

Bird Of Paradise Yoga Sanskrit Name

Hier kannst Du nach. The pose improves both balance and flexibility. Yoga Pose Bird Of Paradise Pocket Yoga Poses Yoga Poses Yoga Illustr...

Surya Namaskar Poses Name In English

The essential foundation poses can lead you to a better comprehension of yoga and also educate you on how to advance to the harder harder p...

Mountain Pose With Name

Stand with the backs of your heels sacrum and shoulder blades but not the back of your head touching the wall. An asana is a posture whethe...