Kapotasana Iyengar Yoga

BKS Iyengar says In this pose the chest expands and puffs out like that of a pouter pigeon hence the name Light on Yoga p305. It is also be...

Urdhva Dhanurasana Iyengar

Shift your weight onto the left foot and with an exhalation bend your right knee and draw it into your torso. The adrenal glands are stimul...

Dandasana Iyengar

The yoga scholar Norman Sjoman notes however that the. I love how doing Viparita Dandasana this way relieves tension in my upper back and a...

Kurmasana Iyengar Yoga

Kurmasana in Ashtanga Yoga with KinoVideo taken from the channel. Breathing into the back body and then into a series of poses of protectio...

Sirsasana Iyengar

The yoga headstand is nicknamed king of all the asanas. It is always paired with Shoulderstand or a pose from the wider Sarvangasana family...