Paschimottanasana D

Paschimottanasana has strongly beneficial effects on the female uterus and male prostate. Paschimottanasana is the Sanskrit name for a fund...

Paschimottanasana English Name

Paschimottanasana PASH-ee-moh-tan-AH-suh-nuh or the Seated Forward Bend is one of the most important poses in all of Hatha Yoga. Paschima t...

Learning Paschimottanasana

Therefore this is not a strict pattern and you may modify it according to your tastes and inner feelings. Paschimottanasana yoga pose - Sea...

Paschimottanasana En Español

La Paschimottanasana es una asana de Yoga que consiste en realizar una flexión hacia delante con las piernas estiradas y juntasEn eso se pa...