Upward Facing Dog Ashtanga

Although many people will have the strength and flexibility to perform upward dog from day one theres so much going on in the pose that its...

Upward Facing Dog Lower Back Pain

This gentle backbend may help relieve lower back pain and fatigue. Its chest-opening action provides a great antidote to office slump while...

Upward Facing Dog Posture

Upward facing dog pose instructions. Without touching your thighs or pelvis to the floor lower your pelvis and broaden and lift your chest ...

Downward Facing Dog Relax

It has been named after the way in which dogs often stretch their entire bodies. Downward dog has a lot of benefits but only if done correc...

Upward Facing Dog Alignment

Upward Dog creates suppleness in the back torso and abdomen which stimulates the abdominal organs and. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is also known...

Upward Facing Dog Asana

It is commonly part of the widely-performed Surya Namaskar sequence though the similar Bhujangasana may be used there instead. Urdhva meani...